Tech in the country. Programming & Technology inovations.

Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Privacy outrage of the day.

People usually value the pricacy of their personal home phone number. Why is it then that some stores, like Linens -n- Things, will ask you for your phone number while you are checking out? Don't they realize that anyone can overhear and remember you number? Why do they need to take it anyway? Seriously! And they have like a line a mile long and the cashier is collecting phone numbers from everyone. More suprising is that people give them their number! The last time I went through the line and they asked "May I have your phone number?" I said, "No!! And I'm pretty upset you asked for it in the first place. Don't you realize how your customers lose their privacy with that question? I think I'll call the girl that just left. Her number was 555-2121." You should say that too. Everyone should.


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